About The ADA

Albany Downtown Association (ADA) is Albany Oregon's downtown revitalization team.

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Who We Are

The Albany Downtown Association is a private, non-profit membership organization dedicated to Albany’s downtown revitalization.

Our mission is:

“Promote the heart, vitality and uniqueness of Downtown Albany’s historic buildings and business.”

Our expanded purpose is to:

  • Promote Downtown Albany as the heart of the community
  • Strengthen the economic viability by encouraging business diversity
  • Enhance the unique physical characteristics of historic Downtown Albany

To achieve its objectives, Albany Downtown Association is coordinated by a full-time executive director, a board of directors, staff, volunteer committees, business owners, property owners, residents and community leaders.

Albany Downtown Association also administers ParkWise, a parking management program for Downtown.

What We’re Working On

Downtown Albany strives to be in tune with the Downtown community’s needs.

In the works are:

  • Business Recruitment
  • Enhanced Downtown Albany Social Media Presence
  • Downtown Retail Shopping Guide
  • Downtown Dining Guide
  • Downtown Historic District Tours
  • Business and Customer Surveys

Our Members

Active livable downtowns don’t just happen. It takes a comprehensive approach coupled with professional leadership and dedicated volunteers to ensure success. Our members have made an investment in Downtown Albany’s future. They help to make a downtown that we can be proud of, now and for generations to come.

The following members have made that commitment. If you are interested in becoming a member, please view our members page for more information including the benefits of membership, as well as our membership application form.

Our Funding

Many ask how the ADA is structured and funded.  We were incorporated on June 14, 1982, as a 501(c)6 non-profit membership organization. We are both a state and nationally accredited Main Street program.

ADA receives funding from a number of sources:

~ Individual and business memberships

Hanging Basket donations

~ Mother’s Day Flower Sign sponsorships

~ Fundraisers – Mixology Madness and Craft Brew Smackdown

~ A contract with the City of Albany to provide Main Street Services, which is funded by hotel tax (TLT)

~ Downtown business property supported Economic Improvement District (EID)

Local taxpayer dollars are not used to fund the Albany Downtown Association.

Our Volunteers and What We Strive to Do

The Albany Downtown Association serves the downtown businesses and residents through Main Street’s comprehensive 4-point approach to revitalization.

Design Committee

Downtown Albany leads in beautifying. Our Design Committee oversees enhancements like our Downtown Parklets, Winter Snowflake Project and the Summer Flower Basket Program. Other projects include wayfinding signs, on-street trash receptacles, public art, special cleanup days and parking lot landscape.

Meets 1st Thursday – 8:30-9:30 am

Economic Vitality Committee

The Albany Downtown Association strengthens Downtown by helping business owners with technical assistance and information through our Economic Vitality Committee. Businesses have a voice at our quarterly merchant meetings. Other services include a monthly newsletter for members and workshops featuring retail experts. Downtown Albany co-sponsors a facade grant program with the City of Albany, advocates for downtown at the City Council and CARA and actively recruits new businesses.

Meets 1st Wednesday – 12-1 pm

Outreach Committee

A successful Downtown is all about partnerships. Our Outreach Committee oversees communications with business and property owners, employees and the public through our website and other avenues. They update policies and plan the budget for the fiscal year. They work with volunteers and plan 1st Friday activities and our Mixology Madness fundraiser.

Meets 3rd Tuesday – 6-7 pm

Promotion Committee

Annual events produced by our Promotions Committee include sidewalk sales, Downtown Restaurant Week, Movies at Monteith, Halloween Trick-or-Treat, Downtown Unwrapped, Small Business Saturday, Free Holiday Movie and the Downtown Twice Around Christmas Parade and Community Tree Lighting Ceremony. We also partner with other organizations on Downtown events like the Albany Taps & Caps, Wine Walk, Antiques in the Streets and Craft Brew Smackdown. Other promotional activities and materials are our monthly newsletter dining & shopping brochures, traditional and social media marketing & advertising and this website, which includes a Downtown business directory.

Meets 1st Monday – 8:30-9:30 am


Check out our Volunteer Brochure

What We’ve Accomplished

Downtown Albany has had an impressive track record in revitalization for more than 40 years.

Our recent accomplishments include:

  • Securing three Oregon Main Street Revitalization Grants for a total of $600,000 in 2022 and 2023 to revitalize three key Downtown properties.
  • Rehabilitating more than 20 buildings since 1999, representing over $5 million of public and private reinvestment.
  • Encouraging upper floor development.
  • Creation of an Economic Improvement District to ensure base funding for Downtown Albany.
  • Increased community visibility through summer flower baskets and holiday snowflakes, and are supporting the Waterfront Streetscape Project.

Our Board of Directors

The Albany Downtown Association’s Board of Directors works hard to make sure the program keeps true to its purpose while continuing to meet a variety of Downtown needs. The Board takes an active role in program planning and implementation, hosts Town Hall meetings, conducts membership drives and secures funding. Contact the board.

Matt Wadlington


Civil West Engineering

200 Ferry St. SW, Downtown Albany

Kristi Crawford

Vice President

The Squeaky Cork

136 1st Ave. E, Downtown Albany

Julie Jackson


Republic Services


Caitlin Prueitt


Calapooia Brewing

140 NE Hill St, Albany

Valeria Corona-Vigil

South Albany HS Board Member

South Albany HS, Albany

Barbara Doolan

At Large


Jena Metting

Merrime Bridal

211 1st Ave. W, Downtown Albany

Beth Walker

LaBelle Boutique

337 1st Ave. W, Downtown Albany

Andon Martin

At Home With Andon

2125 Pacific Blvd SW. Albany, OR. 97321

Rebecca Bond


Albany Visitors Assoc.

122 Ferry St. SW, Downtown Albany

John Pascone


Linn Economic Development Group (LEDG)

435 1st Ave. W, Downtown Albany

Sophie Adams


City of Albany - CARA

333 Broadalbin St. SW, Downtown Albany

Michael Thomson


Albany City Council

333 Broadalbin St. SW, Downtown Albany

Janet Steele


Albany Area Chamber of Commerce

435 1st Ave. W, Downtown Albany