Oregon Main Street Managers Hold Meet Up in Reedsport

Oregon Main Street Managers Hold Meet Up in Reedsport
August 12, 2024 Christina Soot

Each quarter, Oregon Main Street hosts a network meeting for Main Street managers and executive directors. On July 18 and 19, we met in Reedsport for two days of education and team building.

Organizational Planning, a key interactive session, was presented by speaker Kyrie Kellet, a National Association for Interpretation Certified Interpretive Planner with over 20 years of experience.

The event was organized by Sheri Stuart, Oregon Main Street Coordinator, and Cam Amabile, CIT & CIG, Technical Resources Coordinator with Oregon Heritage, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

The OMS network includes 102 Main Street communities – six Accredited (including Albany), eight Designated, 28 Affiliated and 60 Connected – plus two Rural Regional Hubs in Eastern Oregon.

For more about Oregon Main Street, visit www.oregonmainstreet.org.