Greyhound Tavern Completes Main Street Grant Project

Greyhound Tavern Completes Main Street Grant Project
June 17, 2024 Lise Grato

In only 10 months, Greyhound Tavern was taken from an architect’s concept to a thriving business, making a derelict building a Downtown destination.


As promised, owners Michelle & Kody Roth and Tyler Porter have brought life to the space with concerts, country line dancing, family karaoke, themed dance parties and vintage arcade games.


Greyhound Tavern offers patrons wood-fired pizza, fresh salads, tasty appetizers and an extensive selection of beverages.


The once blighted area is now welcoming to those strolling by with custom doors that allow the space to extend to the sidewalk.


It was just a year ago that the Albany Downtown Association announced the exciting news that we had been awarded two 2023 Oregon Main Street Revitalization Grants of $200,000 to partner with the Greyhound Tavern as well as one for the Briggs Building with a three-year deadline for completion.


We received the final documents and the “go” from Oregon Heritage on June 30, 2023. Greyhound officially opened on April 27 with a T-Swift Party.


The interior has many nods to the original building including a 1930s Greyhound Bus Depot sign.


The Greyhound Tavern partnership project is one of three made possible by OMS Revitalization grants from Oregon Heritage, a division of Oregon Parks.